In 1982 we began Fighting through another Chapter!
As you will all know by now, Seven Squared, is a collective of gamer artists, illustrators, designers and licensing professionals led by IP licensing veteran Simon Kay of AT New Media sharing their journey of playing computer games throughout their lives by licensing, designing and delivering bespoke limited-edition apparel that uniquely tells the history of playing video games and the community surrounding it.
Well, along with the home computer and arcade elements of the journey which are well underway, we did need to read as well. I mean our parents would not have been happy if we played games all day, would they?
So, we decided like many to read and play games at the same time! Not exactly at the same time, but you know what we mean.
To that end there was only one option and that was the Fighting Fantasy books by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson.
Simon Kay of Seven Squared / AT New Media commented, “The journey playing computer games generates wonderful memories and conversations, and the addition of a range of officially licensed Fighting Fantasy apparel is just the perfect addition to the story at this time. We have crafted truly original designs with the support and collaboration of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson and we hope you will like what we have done”.
The additions align with some of the greatest fantasy adventure games ever written so please join us in continuing to chase the Warlock by wearing another genuine chapter in the story.
Designs are now available for:

Ian Livingstone, co-creator of Fighting Fantasy, said, “When we wrote our Fighting Fantasy gamebooks back in the 1980s, little did we think we would be wearing the T-shirts 40 years later! Seven Squared / AT New Media have done a brilliant job in re-imagining the original book covers in a way that will appeal to Fighting Fantasy fans and anybody who loves iconic fantasy art.”
You can get your Fighting Fantasy Tees now via www.sevensqua.red with adult and kids tees available for these designs. Hoodies will also be added later in the year as we continue #KeepingTheGameAlive.
Every item that Seven Squared sells also contributes to the work of games industry mental health charity Safe In Our World. You can find out more about their work via www.safeinourworld.org
Sharing and wearing the memories and moments that also mean the most to our mental health.