OK, we may not be able to bring you everything we would like to from the Arcade journey, but we are going to try as much as we can to spread a little love where we can.
We are kind of like that small kid with the big heart who really wants to make this happen but understands there are limits. Often financial clout.
But, we will get there with your support.
Now on with the Arcade journey where we can at least start with one of our first experiences in the legendary Arcades, which was with Battlezone.
If you never played Battlezone, you seriously missed out.
It really was one of the first virtual reality style games. Yeah, really!
Even though SS Simon was only 6 when this arrived, by the time he reached the arcade, it was always an experience you wanted to spend your hard earned pennies and pounds on.
Watch more in this video where you will immediately see why we chose to design the Tee in this way.
There is more to come from the Arcade journey but it may be a little more sporadic than the home computing one.
We appreciate all your support as we continue #KeepingTheGameAlive