This is one of those iconic moments on the journey for us. Why?
Certain games just "hit the spot". Wizball was one of them and it is the perfect surprise addition to our first Christmas range. I mean just look at those colours in this design.
Moving on to the game, the Commodore 64 version was the one that we played and it was also the original game designed and developed by Sensible Software.
Inspired by Gradius, the game has always been noted as being one of the best ever original games to appear on the Commodore 64.
It was noted for its originality and use of the C64 hardware via graphics, sound and general presentation. We loved it!
It was so well loved that the readers of Retro Gamer in 2011 selected it as the second best game ever made for the platform: Quite possibly one of the most beautifully crafted C64 games that you’ll ever have the privilege to play
Via Wiki: (we could not put this any better ourselves)...
"The game was awarded a Sizzler award in the July 1987 issue of Zzap!64 magazine with a rating of 96%, missing out on a "Gold Medal". In November the following year Wizball was selected by the same magazine the number one Shoot 'em Up for the Commodore 64, giving it a rating of 98% and a month later went on to be crowned the best game ever by Zzap!64."
"In 2007 Retrogamer, wrote on Wizball: What makes a good game? Sensisoft believed the following were essential criteria: A well thought out totally watertight universe in which to operate. A defined and logical set of rules. A brilliant control system. Just the right balance between what the computer does automatically for you, and what you have to do for yourself. High 'easy to play, difficult to master' factor. Non linearity and hidden depth to keep you coming back for more. To suck you in to the extent that your psychology is altered so that you think you really were within the game. Which were all part of the greatest Sensi game known as Wizball."
Agreed! Get on this one as we have a feeling this design will not be here that long. All Tees are limited in number so get this on your Christmas list now and continue #KeepingTheGameAlive
Now, enjoy some long play love on the C64... Oh those sounds.. The wizardry!