Well, what a weekend the last one was!
Not only were we completing the process of our "re-design" for our own Level 2 evolution but we visited London Comiccon and tried something out with Toe Jam and Earl during their Funkothon.
It was certainly a little bit bonkers. And that was just the Funkothon.
We have already said why we love Toe Jam and Earl but we also love Comiccon.
In fact we love the vibe you get at all shows and events like that.
Well that segways nicely in to a Blog question for the day...
What is the best gaming event or show you have ever attended in your life?
Which one stands out and why? Any funny moments?
There are so many. Which current ones would you recommend we hang out at as we evolve?
#KeepingTheGameAlive is an endless quest and one we are enjoying.
Even event presentations at the top table have their funny moments... Check out these classic E3 moments. May as well share as we will be mooching around there checking that out as well next month.
Check out the Nintendo Wii Drum sequence in this video. So very Funkothon.. :-)